Welcome to the Live Like Ally Foundation

Since 2015 we’ve honored Ally’s memory by sponsoring people and organizations aligned with her beautiful world vision. We hope to inspire others to live a life of intention and meaning, to think higher, to feel deeper, to love the earth…to continue on the path that Ally was clearly walking. We invite you to join us on this journey.

Ally’s gravestone states ‘What you leave behind is not what is engraved on stone monuments, it is what is woven into the lives of others.’ Nothing could sum up the legacy of this extraordinary young woman.

What Does it Mean to Live Like Ally?

Live Like Ally is a mindful way of being in the world based on the principles Ally clearly and beautifully embodied: embracing life courageously, whole-heartedly, and without regrets; being committed to making this world a better place for all living things, having an active reverence for the Earth, and a willingness to move out of one’s comfort zone and push past personal limitations.

In Partnership with Rob Greenfield: Addressing Food Insecurity Through Permaculture

The Live Like Ally Foundation is currently partnering with renowned eco-activist Rob Greenfield to address the issue of food insecurity in the United States by undertaking grass-roots food gardening initiatives. Our intention is to promote permaculture as a way of life, to help people get started with their own organic food production, encourage established gardeners to share their knowledge and harvests, and to plant fruit trees in public spaces to provide free fruit to passers by.

Our Newest Partnership:
the Gentle Barn.

In 2020 we are excited for our newest project, a partnership with The Gentle Barn. The Gentle Barn rescues animals from severe abuse and neglect who are too old, sick, lame, or scared to be adopted into homes. They are sanctuary to horses, donkeys, cows, pigs, sheep, goats, turkeys, chickens, llamas, peacocks, emus, cats and dogs. Once rehabilitated, the animals help give hope and inspiration to children with difficult challenges and life stories. The Gentle Barn matches Ally’s passion for caring for animals, a career path she’d just begun to explore.

Ally’s Way: supporting Tikkun HaYam at Eckerd College.

The Live Like Ally Foundation helped the Eckerd College Environmental Divers Club purchase a dive boat. The group, helmed by the school’s Hillel leader Rabbi Ed Rosenthal, is undertaking a mission of Tikkun HaYam, the Jewish imperative to restore the ocean. They named the boat Ally’s Way and are using it for reef maintenance and other environmental projects in Tampa Bay.

From Tragedy, Rebirth:
the Live Like Ally Story

After the shock of Ally’s passing began to clear, Todd and Michelle’s thoughts turned towards making something positive come of this tragedy. They knew their daughter’s compassionate world view and connection with all living things was informed by cultural immersion and service experiences in Africa and Central America, trips she made as a teenager.

The Live Like Ally Foundation was created, and an idea to help young people gain life-affirming experiences through international service travel was born. Over the course of two years, LLAF offered cash grants/scholarships to 80 young people, chosen for their passion and alignment with Ally’s values.

Help us leave more good fingerprints!

Make a contribution of any amount to help us honor Ally’s legacy. Our current initiatives center on promoting permaculture, and we are hoping to expand our efforts into 2019!

We also offer Live Like Ally t-shirts, beautifully screen printed in a variety of styles and colors. All proceeds support the Live Like Ally Foundation’s mission to inspire action in service to the earth and all its inhabitants. And check back often, we’re planning on adding products in the near future.